Results/Conclusions: We found D13C was reduced similarly by about 2‰ for all species under elevated compared to ambient [CO2], suggesting that at least for C3 species stomatal closure under elevated [CO2] reduced CO2 supply relative to carboxylation capacity. The ratio of leaf internal to ambient CO2 concentration (Ci/Ca) calculated from D13C values in P. smithii, the dominant C3 graminoid, was negatively correlated with tissue N content in elevated [CO2], but not in ambient [CO2]. Tissue N content on a per unit mass basis was lower in the elevated (1.4±0.07%) compared to the ambient (1.8±0.07%) [CO2] treatment. Experimental warming by itself did not alter D13C for any species, but warming lessened effects of elevated [CO2] on this integrated gas exchange trait. Irrigation had little effect on D13C or tissue N content. The apparent interaction between elevated [CO2] and warming on D13C and tissue N content was unexpected and is potentially attributed to 1) accelerated phenological development with warming; 2) warming-induced changes in leaf structure and anatomy; or 3) indirect and interactive effects of warming on soil nitrogen supply.