1:30 PM-5:00 PM |
COS 1 - Arid and Semi-Arid Systems | |
COS 2 - Biodiversity: Landscape Structure and Environmental Gradients | |
COS 3 - Biogeochemistry: New Paradigms in Biogeochem Cycling | |
COS 4 - Community Pattern and Dynamics: Metacommunities and Competition | |
COS 5 - Education: Community- and Technology-Based Education | |
COS 6 - Functional Ecology and Species-Area Relationships | |
COS 7 - Herbivory | |
COS 8 - Invasion | |
COS 9 - Invasion: Community Effects | |
COS 10 - Landscape Ecology | |
COS 11 - Marine Systems: Intertidal and Reefs | |
COS 12 - Niche Relationships and Theory | |
COS 13 - Paleoecology | |
COS 14 - Predation and Predator-Prey Interactions | |
COS 15 - Sustainability | |
COS 16 - Urban Ecosystems | |
8:00 AM-11:30 AM |
COS 17 - Behavior: Foraging and Diet | |
COS 18 - Biodiversity: Traits and Interactions | |
COS 19 - Biogeochemistry: Aboveground-Belowground Interactions | |
COS 20 - Chihuahuan Desert | |
COS 21 - Climate Change: Biogeochem Cycles | |
COS 22 - Community Pattern and Dynamics: Spatial Patterns | |
COS 23 - Conservation Ecology | |
COS 24 - Detritus and Decomposition | |
COS 25 - Distributions and Range Limits | |
COS 26 - Evolution: Selection and Adaptation and Phenotypic Plasticity | |
COS 27 - Forest Management | |
COS 28 - Habitat Structure, Fragmentation, and Connectivity I | |
COS 29 - Herbivory: Plant Defenses I | |
COS 30 - Invasion: Dynamics and Population Processes | |
COS 31 - Plant-Insect Interactions | |
COS 32 - Wetlands | |
1:30 PM-5:00 PM |
COS 33 - Abundance, Rarity, and Population Estimation | |
COS 34 - Agroecology, Agroforestry, and Biofuels I | |
COS 35 - Behavior: Migration and Movement I | |
COS 36 - Biodiversity: Effects of Global Change | |
COS 37 - Biogeochemistry: Atmospheric N Deposition Effects | |
COS 38 - Climate Change: Plants I | |
COS 39 - Community Pattern and Dynamics: Forests | |
COS 40 - Education: Research and Assessment | |
COS 41 - Evolution: Selection and Adaptation - Interactions | |
COS 42 - Grasslands/Steppe | |
COS 43 - Habitat Structure, Fragmentation, and Connectivity II | |
COS 44 - Herbivory: Plant Defenses II | |
COS 45 - Invasion: Ecosystem Processes | |
COS 46 - Land-Use and Land-Use History | |
COS 47 - Physiology: Plant Respiration and Transpiration I | |
COS 48 - Theoretical Ecology | |
8:00 AM-11:30 AM |
COS 49 - Aquatic Ecology: Lakes and Ponds | |
COS 50 - Behavior: Migration and Movement II | |
COS 51 - Biodiversity: Patterns | |
COS 52 - Biogeochemistry: Biogeo Patterns Along Environmental Gradients I | |
COS 53 - Climate Change: Plants II | |
COS 54 - Community Assembly and Neutral Theory I | |
COS 55 - Competition: Interspecific | |
COS 56 - Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment | |
COS 57 - Evolutionary Ecology | |
COS 58 - Invasion: Invasibility, Stability, and Diversity | |
COS 59 - Modeling: Case Studies | |
COS 60 - Mutualism and Facilitation | |
COS 61 - Physiology: Plant Respiration and Transpiration II | |
COS 62 - Population Biology | |
COS 63 - Population Dynamics: Metapopulations | |
COS 64 - Restoration Ecology I | |
COS 65 - Species Interactions I | |
1:30 PM-5:00 PM |
COS 66 - Amphibian Decline and Chytridiomycosis | |
COS 67 - Biogeochemistry: Biogeo Patterns Along Environmental Gradients II | |
COS 68 - Biogeography and Macroecology | |
COS 69 - Community Assembly and Neutral Theory II | |
COS 70 - Ecosystem Stability and Resilience | |
COS 71 - Fire Management | |
COS 72 - Fisheries Management and Models | |
COS 73 - Invasion: Prevention and Management | |
COS 74 - Life History Theory and Evolution | |
COS 75 - Modeling: General Concepts | |
COS 76 - Mycorrhizae and Plant-Fungal Interactions | |
COS 77 - Population Dynamics and Regulation | |
COS 78 - Restoration Ecology II | |
COS 79 - Rhizophere and Root Function | |
COS 80 - Species Interactions II | |
COS 81 - Woodland/Savanna | |
8:00 AM-11:30 AM |
COS 82 - Agroecology, Agroforestry, and Biofuels II | |
COS 83 - Aquatic Ecology: Streams and Rivers | |
COS 84 - Biogeochemistry: C and N Cycling in Response to Global Change I | |
COS 85 - Climate Change: Ranges and Phenology | |
COS 86 - Community Disturbance and Recovery I | |
COS 87 - Conservation Management | |
COS 88 - Disease and Epidemiology: Interactions | |
COS 89 - Dispersal and Colonization: Behavior and Disturbance | |
COS 90 - Education and Traditional Ecological Knowledge | |
COS 91 - Fire | |
COS 92 - Food Webs | |
COS 93 - Invasion: Species Interactions I | |
COS 94 - Physiological Ecology | |
COS 95 - Plant-Insect Interactions: Foraging, Diet, and Herbivory | |
COS 96 - Population Dynamics: Modeling | |
COS 97 - Seed Production, Dispersal, and Predation | |
1:30 PM-5:00 PM |
COS 98 - Aquatic-Terrestrial Linkages | |
COS 99 - Behavioral Ecology | |
COS 100 - Biogeochemistry: C and N Cycling in Response to Global Change II | |
COS 101 - Climate Change | |
COS 102 - Community Disturbance and Recovery II | |
COS 103 - Conservation Planning, Policy, and Theory | |
COS 104 - Disease and Epidemiology: Modeling | |
COS 105 - Dispersal and Colonization: Genetics and Invasion | |
COS 106 - Ecosystem Function: Biodiversity | |
COS 107 - Effects of Multiple Global Changes on Communities and Ecosystems | |
COS 108 - Environmental Gradients | |
COS 109 - Forest Habitats: Tropical | |
COS 110 - Invasion: Species Interactions II | |
COS 111 - Pollination | |
COS 112 - Scaling: Body Size and Allometry | |
COS 113 - Statistics, Sampling, and Methods | |
8:00 AM-11:30 AM |
COS 114 - Biogeochemistry: Linking Community Structure and Ecosystem Function | |
COS 115 - Climate Change: Communities | |
COS 116 - Community Pattern and Dynamics: Interactions and Invasions | |
COS 117 - Disease and Epidemiology: Spread | |
COS 118 - Ecosystem Function | |
COS 119 - Global Change Biology | |
COS 120 - Invasion: Models | |
COS 121 - Microbial Ecology | |
COS 122 - Mycorrhizae and Ecosystem Function | |
COS 123 - Parasitism and Host-Parasite Interactions | |
COS 124 - Physiology | |
COS 125 - Riparian and Floodplain Habitats | |
COS 126 - Soil | |
COS 127 - Spatial Analysis and GIS | |
COS 128 - Stable Isotope Applications | |
COS 129 - Trophic Dynamics and Interactions | |