COS 92-6 - The empirical nonlinearity of multispecies functional responses and the stability of generalist predator-prey interactions

Thursday, August 6, 2009: 9:50 AM
Sendero Blrm II, Hyatt
Mark Novak, Integrative Biology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR

Most predators exhibit saturating functional responses, their feeding rates becoming increasingly saturated as the abundance of their prey increases. In theory, such saturation is destabilizing, causing predator-prey dynamics to oscillate. Ecologists thus typically invoke low-density prey-switching to account for the empirical persistence and lack of cyclic dynamics in generalist predator-prey interactions. Using data from six New Zealand intertidal food webs, I ask to what degree the feeding rates of two whelk predators are saturated within the empirical context of their multispecies interactions.  I also determine the extent to which prey-attributes can be used to predict prey-specific contributions to the nonlinearity of a predator’s functional response, and investigate how a predator’s diet richness affects the degree to which it’s overall feeding rate is reduced by its prey. By extending and empirically parameterizing the classic Rosenzweig-MacArthur predator-prey model, I then ask whether the degree of saturation observed within New Zealand’s whelk populations is nonlinear enough to affect the stability of whelk-prey interactions, and how dynamics are affected by predator specialization.

My results indicate that whelk feeding rates are generally not strongly saturated, that most prey contribute very little to their predator’s saturation, and that increasing diet richness has a non-additive effect on a predator’s saturation such that the addition of alternative prey has a stabilizing effect on predator-prey dynamics.  I thereby offer a unappreciated mechanism by which generalist predators stabilize the dynamics of species-rich food webs which does not rely on density-dependent prey-switching, and an explanation for why predator-removal experiments typically result in linear prey responses despite the inherent nonlinearity of trophic interactions.

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