COS 92 - Food Webs

Thursday, August 6, 2009: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
Sendero Blrm II, Hyatt
Bonnie K. Ellis, Flathead Lake Biological Station, The University of Montana
8:00 AM
 Allochthonous organic carbon in sediments: A subsidy to the benthic food web
Pia Bartels, Uppsala University; Peter Eklöv, Uppsala University; Cristian Gudasz, Umeå University; Mats Jansson, Umeå University; Jan Karlsson, Umeå University; Lennart Persson, Umeå University; Katrin Premke, Uppsala University; Anja Rubach, Umeå University; Kristin Steger, Uppsala University; Lars Tranvik, Uppsala University
8:40 AM
 Marine derived nutrients in rvers of the north Pacific Rm
Bonnie K. Ellis, Flathead Lake Biological Station, The University of Montana; Jack A. Stanford, The University of Montana
9:20 AM
 Phylogenetically structured food-webs are interval in low- and high-dimensional niche spaces
Axel G. Rossberg, Queen's University Belfast; Åke Brännström, Umeå Universitet; Ulf Dieckmann, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
9:40 AM
10:30 AM
 Wolves, elk and willows: Does reducing herbivory allow willow recovery on Yellowstone’s Northern Range?
Kristin N. Marshall, NOAA Fisheries; David J. Cooper, Colorado State University; N. Thompson Hobbs, Colorado State University; Jennifer A. Hoeting, Colorado State University
10:50 AM
 Mechanisms for compartmentalization in food webs
Roger Guimerà, Northwestern University; Daniel B. Stouffer, University of Canterbury; Marta Sales-Pardo, Northwestern University; Elizabeth A. Leicht, University of California, Davis; Mark E. J. Newman, University of Michigan; Luis A. N. Amaral, Northwestern University
11:10 AM
 Modeling food-web interactions in a metacommunity
Pradeep Pillai, Northeastern Unviversity; Andrew Gonzalez, McGill University; Michel Loreau, Station d'Ecologie Expérimentale du CNRS à Moulis
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