COS 98 - Aquatic-Terrestrial Linkages

Thursday, August 6, 2009: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
Aztec, Albuquerque Convention Center
Ishi Buffam, University of Cincinnati
1:30 PM
 Deuterium stable isotopes: What do they reveal about food sources for Diaptomus sp. and cladocerans in alpine and subalpine lakes
Carrie E.H. Kissman, St. Norbert College; Monika Winder, Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences, Stockholm University; Craig E. Williamson, Miami University; Jasmine E. Saros, University of Maine
1:50 PM
 Quantifying trophic flows in Neotropical streams under ambient and enhanced autochthonous production
Rana W. El-Sabaawi, University of Victoria; Steve A. Thomas, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Brad A. Lamphere, North Carolina State University; Douglas F. Fraser, Siena College; James F. Gilliam, North Carolina State University; Michael C. Marshall, University of Georgia; Ranjan Muthukrishnan, Univeristy of Minnesota; Cathy M. Pringle, University of Georgia; David N. Reznick, University of California Riverside; Eugenia Zandona, Drexel University; Alexander S. Flecker, Cornell University
2:10 PM
 Watershed-scale stoichiometry: Nitrogen:phosphorus ratios in linked watershed-lake systems along a gradient of land use
Michael J. Vanni, Miami University; William H. Renwick, Miami University; Anna M Bowling, Miami University; Martin J. Horgan, Miami University; Alan D. Christian, University of Massachusetts-Boston
2:30 PM
 Constructing a complete carbon budget for a north temperate lake district
Ishi Buffam, University of Cincinnati; Monica G. Turner, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Ankur R. Desai, University of Wisconsin Madison; Paul C. Hanson, University of Wisconsin; Matthew C. Van de Bogert, University of Wisconsin; James A. Rusak, Dorset Environmental Science Centre; Noah R. Lottig, University of Wisconsin; Emily H. Stanley, University of Wisconsin; Timothy K. Kratz, National Science Foundation; Stephen R. Carpenter, University of Wisconsin - Madison
2:50 PM
 Are terrestrial insects an important nutrient subsidy in Neotropical headwater streams?
Gaston E. Small, University of Minnesota; Catherine M. Pringle, University of Georgia
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
 CANCELLED - Effects of channelization on macroinvertebrate communities in a semi-arid river
Thomas L. Kennedy, University of New Mexico; Thomas F. Turner, University of New Mexico
3:40 PM
 Does glucose increase soil organic matter mineralization in aquatic ecosystems?
Bertrand Guenet, CNRS; Michael Danger, CNRS; Gerard Lacroix, CNRS; Gerard Bardoux, CNRS; Danielle Benest, CNRS; Luc Abbadie, CNRS
4:00 PM
 Delayed responses of a reservoir zooplankton community to long-term declines in watershed subsidies mediated by shifting agricultural practices
Maria J. González, Miami University; Michael J. Vanni, Miami University; M.T. Bremigan, Michigan State University; David B. Bunnell, USGS Great Lakes Science Center; Chris Aman, Ohio Department of Natural Resources
4:40 PM
 Effects of temporally variable subsidies on the strength of cross-system trophic cascades
Shawn J. Leroux, Memorial University of Newfoundland; Michel Loreau, Station d'Ecologie Expérimentale du CNRS à Moulis
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