COS 99 - Behavioral Ecology

Thursday, August 6, 2009: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
Taos, Albuquerque Convention Center
Kate S. Boersma, University of San Diego
1:30 PM
 Chemical mediation of prey recognition by spider-hunting wasps
Divya Uma, University of Maryland; Larry Phelan, Ohio State University; Martha Weiss, Georgetown University
1:50 PM
 Effects of caudal autotomy on the escape behaviors of two Sceloporus lizards, S. jarrovii and S. virgatus
Christopher R. Agard, Howard University; Michael J Cericola, Howard University; Constance Trower, Howard University; Joel Smoot, University of Wisconsin-Madison; George Middendorf, Howard University
2:30 PM
 Intraspecies interactions influence the spatial distribution of giant water bugs in arid headwater streams
Kate S. Boersma, University of San Diego; David A. Lytle, Oregon State University
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
 The role of male behavior on female mate choice in Mbuna cichlids
David T. Mellor, Rutgers University; Catherine Tarsiewicz, Rutgers University; Rebecca Jordan, Rutgers University
3:40 PM
 The evolution of group territoriality: The emergence of sociality in a heterogeneous landscape
Anna Mosser, University of Minnesota; Margaret Kosmala, Harvard University; Craig Packer, University of Minnesota
4:00 PM
 Incentives in animal teams: Implications for parental-investment theory
Joan Roughgarden, Stanford University; Zhiyuan Song, University of Michigan
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