COS 74 - Life History Theory and Evolution

Wednesday, August 5, 2009: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
Sendero Blrm II, Hyatt
Michael R. Allen, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
1:50 PM
 Are dormant plants hedging their bets? Demographic consequences of prolonged dormancy in variable environments
Jennifer R. Gremer, University of Arizona; Elizabeth E. Crone, Tufts University; Peter Lesica, University of Montana
2:10 PM
 Variation in pollination: Causes and consequences
Shane A. Richards, University of Durham; Lawrence D. Harder, University of Calgary; Neal M. Williams, University of California
2:50 PM
 How ecological interactions determine the evolution of life-history syndromes
Kenichi Okamoto, University of California, Los Angeles
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
 Habitat driven life history divergence between two Gambusia species
Daniella M. Swenton-Olson, University of New Mexico; Astrid Kodric-Brown, University of New Mexico
3:40 PM
 Differential allocation of reproductive investment depends on demographics: A case study of house wren clutch size, mate quality, and population growth
Lindsey A. Walters, Northern Kentucky University; Natalie Dubois, Defenders of Wildlife; Thomas Getty, Michigan State University
4:00 PM
 The size-number trade-off in clonal broods of a polyembryonic parasitoid wasp
Philip H. Crowley, University of Kentucky; Yoriko Saeki, University of Kentucky
4:20 PM
 Unifying coexistence theory on ecological and evolutionary time scales
Andrea Mathias, University of Arizona, Tucson; Peter Chesson, University of Arizona
4:40 PM
 Genetic and environmental factors influence hatching and survival of diapausing eggs
Michael R. Allen, National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
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