COS 73 - Invasion: Prevention and Management

Wednesday, August 5, 2009: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
Sendero Blrm I, Hyatt
Parviez Hosseini, EcoHealth Alliance (formerly Wildlife Trust)
1:30 PM
 Quantitative risk assessment of the pathways of chikungunya emergence
Parviez Hosseini, EcoHealth Alliance (formerly Wildlife Trust); Gordon Akudibillah, University of North Dakota; A. Marm Kilpatrick, University of California, Santa Cruz; Laura D. Kramer, Wadsworth Center, New York State Dept Health and SUNY Albany; Peter Daszak, EcoHealth Alliance
1:50 PM
 Why intentionally repeat history when a novel approach is better?
Jennifer L. Firn, Queensland University of Technology; Alan P.N. House, CSIRO; Yvonne M. Buckley, Trinity College Dublin
2:10 PM
 Integrating the search for resistant/tolerant hosts into an invasive management strategy
Laura L. Ingwell, University of Idaho; Evan Preisser, University of Rhode Island; Richard Casagrande, University of Rhode Island
2:30 PM
 Impacts of hemlock woolly adelgid on eastern hemlock in Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Kurt J. Krapfl, Southern Illinois University; Eric Holzmueller, Southern Illinois University; Michael A. Jenkins, Purdue University
2:50 PM
 Preventing pest invasion on islands: The optimal allocation of resources to quarantine and surveillance
Joslin L. Moore, University of Melbourne; Tracy M. Rout, University of Melbourne; Cindy E. Hauser, The University of Melbourne; Dorian Moro, Chevron Australia Pty Ltd - Gorgon HES; Hugh P. Possingham, University of Queensland
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
 Will seeding with native shrubs and using PLATEAU® herbicide control cheatgrass and promote sustainable native plant communities?
Suzanne M. Neal, Northern Arizona University; Carolyn Hull Sieg, USDA FS; Catherine A. Gehring, Northern Arizona University
4:00 PM
 Influences of plant-soil feedbacks on the intra- and inter-specific competition of several invasive knapweeds
Thomas A. Grant III, University of Alaska Fairbanks; Mark W. Paschke, Colorado State University
4:20 PM
 Interpopulation divergence in competition of the mosquito Aedes aegypti may help resist invasion of a superior competitor
Paul T. Leisnham, University of Maryland; Steven A. Juliano, Illinois State University
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