COS 116 - Community Pattern and Dynamics: Interactions and Invasions

Friday, August 7, 2009: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
Ruidoso, Albuquerque Convention Center
Johanna M. Kraus, U.S. Geological Survey
8:00 AM
 Using neighborhood models to examine the role of ecto and arbuscular mycorrhizal forest communities on Eastern hemlock seedling establishment
Michael J. O'Brien, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; Thomas R. Horton, State University of New York - College of Environmental Science and Forestry
8:20 AM
 Cross-ecosystem feedbacks between predator avoidance and past colonization drive variation in community assembly
Johanna M. Kraus, U.S. Geological Survey; James R. Vonesh, Virginia Commonwealth University
8:40 AM
 Pathogen effects on plant diversity in a variable environment
Erin A. Mordecai, University of North Carolina
9:00 AM
 Termites create spatial structure and govern ecosystem function in a savannah system through indirect effects on nitrogen-fixation rates
Daniel F. Doak, University of Colorado; Kena Fox-Dobbs, University of Puget Sound; Alison K. Brody, University of Vermont; Todd M. Palmer, University of Florida
9:20 AM
 Top-down control causes collapse of a self-organized landscape on intertidal mudflats
Johan Van de Koppel, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ); Ellen Weerman, Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Studies, University of Groningen; Peter M.J. Herman, Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW)
9:40 AM
9:50 AM
 Population dynamics in neutral biodiversity model reveal density dependence, Taylor’s power law, and 1/f noise
Petr Keil, Yale University; Tomas Herben, Institute of Botany; David Storch, Charles University
10:10 AM
 Competition: Defense tradeoffs and the maintenance of producer diversity
David V. Viola, University of California, Santa Barbara; Erin A. Mordecai, University of North Carolina; Seeta A. Sistla, University of California, Santa Barbara; Lindsey K. Albertson, University of California, Santa Barbara; J. Stephen Gosnell, Baruch College, City University of New York, and CUNY Graduate Center; Alejandra G. Jaramillo, University of California, Santa Barbara
10:30 AM
 Abiotic stress, disturbance, and facilitation drive species’ abundances and community composition of Wyoming big sagebrush ecosystems
Michael D. Reisner, Augustana College; David A. Pyke, U.S. Geological Survey; Paul S. Doescher, Oregon State University
11:10 AM
 Plant community composition and damage by natural enemies: A case study of native plant species in restored seasonal wetland prairies
G. Kai Blaisdell, University of California, Berkeley; Bitty A. Roy, University of Oregon; Laurel E. Pfeifer-Meister, University of Oregon; Scott D. Bridgham, University of Oregon
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