COS 117 - Disease and Epidemiology: Spread

Friday, August 7, 2009: 8:00 AM-11:30 AM
La Cienega, Albuquerque Convention Center
John M. Drake, University of Georgia
8:00 AM
 CANCELLED - Dry weather induces human West Nile virus outbreaks
Guiming Wang, Mississippi State University; Jerrold L. Belant, Mississippi State University
8:20 AM
 Habitat fragmentation and the persistence and prevalence of multi-hostpathogens: The interaction between spatial heterogeneity and host composition
Sean M. Moore, National Center for Atmospheric Research; Elizabeth T. Borer, University of Minnesota; Carrie A. Manore, Oregon State University; Vrushali Bokil, Oregon State University; Parviez Hosseini, EcoHealth Alliance (formerly Wildlife Trust)
8:40 AM
 Disease in the New West: Brucellosis increases in elk populations of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
Paul Chafee Cross, US Geological Survey; Eric Cole, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Andrew P. Dobson, Princeton University; William H. Edwards, Wyoming Game and Fish Department; Kenneth L. Hamlin, Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks; Gordon Luikart, The University of Montana; Arthur D. Middleton, Yale University; Brandon M. Scurlock, Wyoming Game and Fish Department; P.J. White, National Park Service
9:00 AM
 Spatio-temporal patterns in the intensity of West Nile virus in North America
Shannon L. LaDeau, Cary Insitute of Ecosystem Studies; Peter Marra, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute; Catherine A. Calder, The Ohio State University; Patrick J. Doran, The Nature Conservancy
9:20 AM
 Transmission dynamics of Tasmanian devil facial tumor disease: Implications for developing, modelling, and testing control strategies
Hamish I. McCallum, Griffith University; Menna E. Jones, University of Tasmania; Shelly Lachish, University of Queensland; Nick Beeton, University of Tasmania
9:40 AM
9:50 AM
 Epidemiological implications of virus shedding characteristics of mallards infected with Low-Pathogenic Avian Influenza (LPAI) Viruses
Susan A. Shriner, National Wildlife Research Center; Kaci K. VanDalen, National Wildlife Research Center; Nicole L. Mooers, National Wildlife Research Center; Heather J. Sullivan, National Wildlife Research Center; Alan B. Franklin, National Wildlife Research Center
10:10 AM
 The ecological niche and geographic distribution of plague in North America: Shaped by mammal reservoirs or other factors?
Sean P. Maher, Missouri State University; A. Townsend Peterson, University of Kansas; Christine Ellis, Kansas State University
10:30 AM
 Percolation-like spread of West Nile virus in New York City
John M. Drake, University of Georgia; Krisztian Magori, Auburn University; Waheed Bajwa, New York Department of Health
10:50 AM
 Effects of landscape change on the ecology of tick-borne diseases in the Saint Louis, Missouri region
Brian F. Allan, University of Illinois; Lisa Goessling, Washington University; Robert Thach, Washington University; Jonathan Chase, Washington University in St. Louis
11:10 AM
 Globalization, agricultural policy, and vector-borne diseases: A lesson from Taiwan
Chi-Chien Kuo, University of California, Davis; Hsi-Chieh Wang, Taiwan Centers for Disease Control; Ching-Lun Huang, Taiwan Centers for Disease Control; Douglas A. Kelt, University of California
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