Results/Conclusions Archived material from an historic study in which the leaf litter of a single tree species, Metrosideros polymorpha, was set to decay in 10 different sites on the island of Hawai'i. Archived residues of leaf litter collected at 0, 3, 12, and 24 months were scanned using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to provide a chemical signature of material at each time interval. I investigated the “energy release curve” of a given substrate—the order in which molecular bonds are attacked and the resulting calorie content of remaining residues over time. Preliminary results graphically illustrate the distinction between carbon transformation (energy utilization) and gross measures of mass loss. Comparisons of the resource-utilization trajectories from decomposition sites with identical decay rates of a common litter showed that equal rates of mass loss do not equal identical patterns of resource consumption. Thermal analysis confirmed differences in the energy content of residual materials, suggesting differences in energy flows through the detrital food web in sites that exhibited equal decay rates. No patterns in residual energy content were observed along precipitation or nutrient gradients. While rudimentary, these simple observations recommend the application of thermal (energy) analysis coupled with fine-scaled measures of matter transformations to compare the functional capacities of microbial communities. Future work will combine measures of microbial biomass and activity with those of substrate transformation to test the notion of functional redundancy of soil microbial composition in resource use.