1:30 PM-5:00 PM |
OOS 1 - Food Webs and Climate Change | |
OOS 2 - Another Challenge to Eastern Forests of North America: Hemlock Wooly Adelgid, Climate Change, and the Loss of Hemlock | |
OOS 3 - Communicating the Ecology and Justice Dimensions of Climate Change to Diverse Audiences: Educational Opportunities and Challenges | |
OOS 4 - Modeling and Managing Forest Impacts from Climate Change: An Integrated Landscape Approach | |
OOS 5 - Long-term Warming Experiment: What We Have Learned and What is Unknown | |
OOS 6 - Effects of Global Warming in Tropical Montane Systems | |
OOS 7 - Managing Impacts of Ungulate Herbivory in Forest Landscapes: New Lessons and Opportunities | |
8:00 AM-11:30 AM |
OOS 8 - Mechanisms of Resilience in Ecological and Socioecological Systems | |
OOS 9 - Spatial Food Web Ecology: Toward a Mechanistic Landscape Ecology | |
OOS 10 - Ecosystem Changes: Connecting Long-Term Vegetation Studies with USNVC | |
OOS 11 - Vegetation Dynamics, Structures and Traits of the Midwestern Oak-Savannas Under Changing Environment | |
OOS 12 - Rooftop Ecology: What Is a Green Roof and Why Should Ecologists Care? | |
OOS 13 - Forecasting Ecosystem Responses to Elevated CO2: Confronting Models with Long-Term CO2 Enrichment Experiment | |
OOS 14 - Ecology Education in 2020 -- Integrating New Technologies with Mother Nature | |
1:30 PM-5:00 PM |
OOS 15 - Toward a Traits-Based Understanding of Coexistence Under Competition for Light in Forest Communities: Combining Demography and Functional Ecology | |
OOS 16 - Global Change and Alpine Ecosystems: the Experience So Far and Looking Ahead | |
OOS 17 - Engaging Underrepresented Audiences in the Study of Continental Scale Ecological Change | |
OOS 18 - Citizen Science to Remote Sensing: Emerging Programs and Methods for Establishing Broad-Scale Phenological Monitoring | |
OOS 19 - Gaps In Predicting Vegetation Change - Physiological and Genetic Variation And Extreme Events | |
OOS 20 - The Role of Student Research in Long-Term Studies: Insights into Climate Change and Disturbance Theory | |
OOS 21 - Climate Change and Biotic Interactions: When and Where Do They Matter | |
OOS 22 - Ecosystem Changes: Connecting Long-Term Vegetation Studies with Vegetation Classification (part 2) | |
8:00 AM-11:30 AM |
OOS 23 - Reclamation and Reforestation of Mined Land | |
OOS 24 - Linking People, Nature, and Water Together through Restoration: Applications and Lessons learned in Wetland Restoration, in the Mid-Atlantic United States | |
OOS 25 - Extending Dynamic Food Web Models to Address Environmental Problems | |
OOS 26 - The Effects of Abiotic, Biotic and Human Influences on Soil Greenhouse Gas Fluxes Across Varied Environments. | |
OOS 27 - Invasive Species and Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities in a Warmer World | |
OOS 28 - Management Effects on Ecosystem Services in the Face of Environmental Variability. | |
OOS 29 - Long-term Research on Ecological Dynamics from Local Through Global Scales: Insights from the NSF LTREB Program | |
1:30 PM-5:00 PM |
OOS 30 - Reconstruction of Climate, Fire, and Forest Dynamics in Eastern North America via Dendroecology; Gleaning New Perspective from Ancient Trees | |
OOS 31 - From Microbial to Conservation Biology: Exploring Phylogenetic Beta Diversity as a Theoretical Tool Uniting Disciplines | |
OOS 32 - Landscape and Ecoregional Approaches to Protecting Biodiversity in a Changing Climate | |
OOS 33 - Climate and its Impact on Avian Abundance over Large Geographic Areas and Different Time Scales: Insights from Terrestrial and Marine Realms | |
OOS 34 - What is the Fate of Tropical Forests Under Climate Change? Integrating Remote Sensing, Micro-Meteorology, Forest Plots, and Ecological Models | |
OOS 35 - Soil Moisture as an Integrating Factor Determining Grassland/Old Field Responses to Global Warming | |
OOS 36 - The Evolving Role of Ecologists in the Development of Environmental Public Policy | |
OOS 37 - Vulnerability and Resilience of Ecosystem Carbon and Biodiversity to Climate Change and Deforestation in the Asia-Pacific Region | |
8:00 AM-11:30 AM |
OOS 38 - Ecological Dimensions of Biofuel Production | |
OOS 39 - Novel Applications of Remote Sensing to Environmental Monitoring under a Changing Climate | |
OOS 40 - Latitudinal Gradients in Consumer-Resource Interactions: Bridging the Gap Between Pattern and Processes (Part 1 of 2) | |
OOS 41 - Plant Genotypic and Microbial Controls Over Ecosystem Processes: The Role of Diversity in Modulating Response to Global Change | |
OOS 42 - Training the Next Generation of Ecologists: How Universities Are Doing It | |
OOS 43 - Combining Experiments, Process Studies, and Models to Forecast the Future of Ecosystems, Communities, and Populations | |
1:30 PM-5:00 PM |
OOS 44 - Predicting the Present from the Past: Using Historic Datasets to Understand and Predict Climate Change Impacts | |
OOS 45 - Latitudinal Gradients in Consumer-Resource Interactions: Bridging the Gap between Pattern and Processes (Part 2 of 2). | |
OOS 46 - Mechanistic Assessments of the Role of Natural Enemies and Negative Frequency Dependence in Facilitating Species Coexistence | |
OOS 47 - Stressing Out: Ecological Responses of Plants to a Changing Environment | |
OOS 48 - Causes and Consequences of Individual Variation in Dispersal | |
OOS 49 - The Role of Microorganisms in the Ecology and Evolution of Tri-Trophic Interactions. | |
OOS 50 - The Role of Landscape Connectivity in Planning and Implementing Conservation and Restoration Priorities | |
8:00 AM-11:30 AM |
OOS 51 - The Invasion Ecology of the Disease: Understanding the Drivers of Microbial Community Assembly and Host-Microbe Dynamics in the Human Body | |
OOS 52 - Plant Signaling: The Opportunities and Dangers of Chemical Communication | |
OOS 53 - Beyond the Pavement: Road Network Structure, Use and Ecological Responses in Backcountry Environments | |
OOS 54 - Garlic Mustard: Lessons Learned from Multiple Dimensions of Ecological Invasion Study | |
OOS 55 - Wind Energy: A Solution to Global Warming or a Wildlife Disaster? | |
OOS 56 - Ecological Impacts of Emerald Ash Borer on Forest Ecosystems | |
OOS 57 - Scaling Genes to Ecosystems: Building the Bridge between Microbial Ecology and Global Processes | |