IGN 11-1
The greening of palm oil mill effluent (POME): Can we turn greenhouse gas emissions into clean energy?

Wednesday, August 7, 2013
101E, Minneapolis Convention Center
Teresa M. Legg, INSTAAR, Dept. Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
Philip G. Taylor, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Durham, CO
Hana Fancher, INSTAAR and Department of Civil Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
Alan R. Townsend, INSTAAR and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO
Diana R. Nemergut, INSTAAR, Environmental Studies, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
Palm oil is the fastest growing agricultural industry in the world. Palm oil mills produce vast quantities of wastewater that emit teragrams of methane annually. Methane- capture technology represents a promising way to convert this environmental problem into a bioenergy solution, however its long-term sustainability depends on maximizing methane yield while minimizing the variability in methane production. The ecology of the diverse methane- producing microbial communities holds the keys to greening palm oil mill effluent, and producing a long-term clean energy source.