PS 22
Community Disturbance And Recovery

Tuesday, August 6, 2013: 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
Exhibit Hall B, Minneapolis Convention Center
 How well do fire-related plant traits predict species pattern and fire behavior along a hydrologic gradient?
Steven M. Anderson, Duke University; Justin P. Wright, Duke University; Gregory M. Ames, Duke University; Matthew G. Hohmann, US Army Corps of Engineers ERDC - CERL
 Species-specific facilitation of germination may promote regeneration of a post-drought perennial community
Natasha N. Woods, The Ohio State University; Maria N. Miriti, The Ohio State University
 Landscape patterns of early postfire lodgepole pine regeneration dominate stand structure and function 24 years after the 1988 Yellowstone Fire
Monica G. Turner, University of Wisconsin, Madison; William H. Romme, Colorado State University; Daniel B. Tinker, University of Wyoming; Timothy G. Whitby, University of Wisconsin
 Community shifts along a disturbance gradient
Kimberly Kaufeld, University of Northern Colorado; James E. Moore, Christian Brothers University; Scott B. Franklin, University of Northern Colorado
 Gopher-mound and casting disturbances contribute to plant community structure in a Cascade Range meadow complex
Madelon F. Case, Princeton University; Charles B. Halpern, University of Washington; Simon A. Levin, Princeton University
 Forest understory resilience and soil dynamic response to anthropogenic wildfire in dry semi-deciduous forest in Puerto Rico
Xavier A. Jaime, North Carolina State University; Skip J. Van Bloem, University of Puerto Rico; Frank Koch, North Carolina State University; Stacy AC Nelson, NC State University
 Contrasting impacts of mountain pine beetle disturbance in two pine-dominated ecosystems in Colorado
Jennifer S. Briggs, U.S. Geological Survey; Todd J. Hawbaker, U.S. Geological Survey; Daniel R. West, Colorado State University
 Do initial species communities planted affect subsequent succession? Results from a nine-year restoration experiment
Lee H. Dietterich, University of Pennsylvania; Brenda B. Casper, University of Pennsylvania
 Vertebrate disturbances in forest ecosystems: An experimental case study in Pennsylvania and a worldwide review
Michael J. Chips, University of Pittsburgh; Michael R. Magliocca, University of Pittsburgh; Oluwasola E. Morakinyo, University of Pittsburgh; Walter P. Carson, University of Pittsburgh
 Bacterial N2O production following O2 exposure
Jonathon B. Gray, Kent State University; Laura G. Leff, Kent State University
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