COS 15
Niche Relationships And Theory

Monday, August 5, 2013: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM
L100F, Minneapolis Convention Center
2:10 PM
 Phylogeny, niche differences, and the outcome of competition
Oscar Godoy, Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología de Sevilla (IRNAS); Nathan J. B. Kraft, University of Maryland; Jonathan M. Levine, ETH Zurich
2:30 PM
 The latitudinal gradient in functional diversity: Higher species richness does not arise from larger functional trait space
Christine A. Lamanna, University of Maine; Benjamin W. Blonder, University of Oxford; Cyrille Violle, CNRS; Brian J. Enquist, University of Arizona
2:50 PM
 Trophic niche width increases with bill size variation in a generalist passerine: a test of niche variation hypothesis
Pei-Jen L. Shaner, National Taiwan Normal University; Yu-Cheng Hsu, National Dong Hwa University
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
 A three-way tradeoff maintains functional diversity under variable resource supply
Kyle F. Edwards, University of Hawaii; Christopher A. Klausmeier, Michigan State University; Elena Litchman, Michigan State University
3:40 PM
 Traveling between extremes: the shape of temporal variation alters competition and evolution in fluctuating environments
Colin T. Kremer, Michigan State University; Christopher A. Klausmeier, Michigan State University
4:00 PM
 Niche differences and fitness differences drive competitive coexistence and exclusion in a serpentine annual community
Janneke Hille Ris Lambers, University of Washington; Jonathan M. Levine, ETH Zurich
4:40 PM
 Species coexistence and environmental variation: Not all variation is created equal
Galen P. Holt, University of Arizona; Peter Chesson, University of Arizona