IGN 1 - Up-Goer Five Challenge: Using Common Language to Communicate Your Science to the Public

Tuesday, August 9, 2016: 1:30 PM-3:00 PM
316, Ft Lauderdale Convention Center
Holly L. Menninger, North Carolina State University
Bethann G. Merkle, Freelance Science Communications; Clarisse M. Hart, Harvard Forest (Harvard University); and Madhusudan Katti, California State University, Fresno
Holly L. Menninger, North Carolina State University
Can you explain and share what you do using the ten hundred most used words? Word choice and language are important components of science communication, regardless of whether your audience is K-12 students or policy-makers. In the Up-Goer Five Challenge, researchers will explain their science using only the 1,000 most common words in the English language, as highlighted by the xkcd cartoon and companion text editor. Presentations will be followed by a moderated discussion about the role of language in science communication.
 Big green things start tiny
Rebecca S. Barak, Chicago Botanic Garden
 Can I light a fire to save those damn butter flies?
Nick M. Haddad, North Carolina State University; Heather Cayton, NC State University; Erica H. Henry, North Carolina State University; Elsita Kiekebusch, NC State University
 How science plus religion can save forests
Margaret D. Lowman, California Academy of Sciences
 How the blue, flying animals take the homes of the animals that fly and hit at wood with their head
Samuel D. Cowell, Utah State University; Hannah Domgaard, Utah State University; Sara A. Lorscheider, Utah State University; Mariah W. Panoussi, Utah State University; Lindsey L. Parrish, Utah State University; Taryn M. Rodman, Utah State University; Kimberly A. Sullivan, Utah State University
 Where you are on the land matters... at least some times
Jeff Atkins, Virginia Commonwealth University
See more of: Ignite ESA Sessions