Monday, August 2, 2010

7:00 AM-8:00 AM
SEEDS Breakfast

7:00 AM-9:00 AM
ESA Ecology Editorial Board Meeting

8:00 AM-10:00 AM
ESA Plenary 2: Opening Scientific Plenary and Awards Ceremony: Innocence lost: Will ecologists become the future global carbon cops?

10:15 AM-11:30 AM
SS 1 - Industry and the Environment in the 21st Century
SS 2 - Ecoinformatics: Informing Decisions with Ecological Knowledge
SS 3 - Meet the Press: Talking Ecology with the Media
SS 4 - Connecting Ecological Science and Stewardship in Global Rangelands: What are the Barriers and Opportunities?
SS 5 - Anthropogenic Landscape Transformations and Infectious Disease Dynamics
SS 6 - Resources for Ecology Education: Fair and Share (REEFS)
SS 7 - Sense of Place:  From Local to Global Stewardship
SS 8 - Educating Interdisciplinary Leaders for the New Green Economy

11:30 AM-1:15 PM
WK 14 - Engaging the Masses: Meeting the Challenges of Large Intro Courses
WK 15 - Writing a 'Teaching Philosophy' Statement -  Models and Suggestions
WK 16 - CANCELLED - The Road Ahead for REDD: An Interactive Discussion on Tropical Deforestation and Climate Change.
ESA Joint Editorial Board Luncheon (by invitation only)
ESA Mexico Chapter Business Meeting
ESA Past President's Forum Luncheon
ESA Public Affairs Committee Meeting
ESA Rangeland Ecology Secton Business Meeting
ESA Science Committee Business Meeting
ESA Southwest Chapter Business Meeting
ESA Undergraduate Student Orientation

11:30 AM-6:30 PM
ESA Opening of Exhibits

11:45 AM-12:15 PM
ESA Presider/AV Training

1:30 PM-5:00 PM
SYMP 1 - All You Need to Know is... : Advice from Theorists on Managing Ecosystems in a Changing Climate
SYMP 2 - Where's the Carbon? Increasing Public Understanding of Global Warming with Improved College Science Education
SYMP 3 - Environmental Scientists as Effective Advocates: Above the Din but in the Fray
OOS 1 - Food Webs and Climate Change
OOS 2 - Another Challenge to Eastern Forests of North America:  Hemlock Wooly Adelgid, Climate Change, and the Loss of Hemlock
OOS 3 - Communicating the Ecology and Justice Dimensions of Climate Change to Diverse Audiences: Educational Opportunities and Challenges
OOS 4 - Modeling and Managing Forest Impacts from Climate Change: An Integrated Landscape Approach
OOS 5 - Long-term Warming Experiment: What We Have Learned and What is Unknown
OOS 6 - Effects of Global Warming in Tropical Montane Systems
OOS 7 - Managing Impacts of Ungulate Herbivory in Forest Landscapes: New Lessons and Opportunities
COS 1 - Biogeochemistry: C and N Cycling in Response to Global Change I
COS 2 - Climate Change
COS 3 - Effects of Multiple Global Changes on Communities and Ecosystems
COS 4 - Agriculture
COS 5 - Behavior
COS 6 - Ecosystem Ecology
COS 7 - Education: Pedagogy, Cognition, and Learning
COS 8 - Restoration Ecology I
COS 9 - Ecological Impacts on Human Populations & Biofuel Ecology
COS 10 - Fire
COS 11 - Invasion
COS 12 - Disease and Epidemiology I
COS 13 - Population Dynamics and Regulation
COS 14 - Food Webs
COS 15 - Community Assembly and Neutral Theory I

4:00 PM-7:00 PM
FT 10 - Hiking Frick Park

4:30 PM-6:30 PM
PS 1 - Education: Community-Based Learning
PS 2 - Education: Pedagogy
PS 3 - Education: Research and Assessment
PS 4 - Climate Change
PS 5 - Climate Change: Biogeochem Cycles
PS 6 - Climate Change: Plants
PS 7 - Climate Modeling
PS 8 - Paleoecology
PS 9 - Phenology
PS 10 - Photosynthesis and Gas Exchange Measurement
PS 11 - Competition
PS 12 - Disease and Epidemiology
PS 13 - Herbivory
PS 14 - Herbivory: Plant Defenses
PS 15 - Parasitism and Host-Parasite Interactions
PS 16 - Predation and Predator-Prey Interactions
PS 17 - Plant-Insect Interactions
PS 18 - Pollination
PS 19 - Species Interactions
PS 20 - History of Ecology
PS 21 - Mycorrhizae
PS 22 - Agroecosystems
PS 23 - Biological Control
OPS 1 - Phenology as a Tool for Understanding and Interpreting Interactive Effects of Environmental Forcing on Natural Ecological Systems
OPS 2 - Engaging Undergraduate Students in Ecological Investigations Using Large, Public Datasets

5:00 PM-5:45 PM
ESA Award Recipients' Reception (by invitation only)

5:00 PM-6:30 PM
ESA Musicians Central

6:30 PM-8:00 PM
Christian Ecologists Social
ESA Aquatic Section Mixer
ESA Buell/Braun Judges Meeting
ESA Student Section Mixer
ESA Theoretical Ecology Section Mixer
ESA Traditional Ecological Knowledge Section Business Meeting
ESA Vegetation Section and IAVS-NA Business Meeting and Mixer
OTS All Tropical Biology Mixer
Utah State University Ecologists Mixer

7:30 PM-10:00 PM
Annual Oecologia Editorial Board Meeting

8:00 PM-10:00 PM
SS 9 - What Will Ecology Education Look Like in 2020?
SS 10 - Actuating Large-Scale, Integrated, Global-Change Research beyond Concept to Implementation: Lessons from the Terrestrial Wetland Global Change Research Network
SS 11 - Warfare Ecology: A Continuing Conversation
SS 12 - Long-Term Legacy Data in the Ecotrends Project: Historical Context and Clues to Future Dynamics Under Global Change
SS 13 - Hope in a Changing Climate
WK 17 - Got Broader Impacts? How the Research Ambassador Program Can Turn Outreach from Burden to Benefit
WK 18 - Emerald Ash Borer in the Classroom: Invasive Pest an Opportunity for Citizen Science