Author Index
94th ESA Annual Meeting (August 2 -- 7, 2009)
Saturday, August 1, 2009
7:00 AM-5:30 PM
FT 2
Life in the Twilight Zone: Lava Tube Ecology, El Malpais National Monument, NM, USA
7:00 AM-7:00 PM
FT 1
Los Alamos and the Jemez Mountains: Ecology and History
7:30 AM-11:30 PM
FT 3
CANCELLED - The Jornada del Muerto (Dead Man's Journey): A History of Long-Term Research in a Chihuahuan Desert Ecosystem
8:00 AM-5:00 PM
FT 4
Global Change Experiments at the Sevilleta LTER
8:30 AM-5:00 PM
ESA Governing Board Meeting
1:00 PM-5:00 PM
WK 1
Ecological Risk Assessment Methods for Arid Environments
WK 2
The New National Vegetation Classification Standard: An Introduction to the System with Field Applications and Training (2 day workshop with day 2 being a field trip)
Sunday, August 2, 2009
7:00 AM-5:00 PM
FT 5
Field Trip to Consider Ecological Aspects of the Northern Jornada Del Muerto Grasslands and Ecotones with Mockingbird Mountain and the Oscura Mountains on White Sands Missile Range, Socorro County, New Mexico
8:00 AM-4:00 PM
FT 8
Manzanos Raptor Viewing Field Trip with HawkWatch International
WK 3
An Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling
8:00 AM-4:30 PM
WK 4
Restoring and Sustaining Western Landscapes: Interaction with Climate Change
WK 5
Using Continental Scale Data to Teach Undergraduate Ecology
8:00 AM-5:00 PM
FT 7
CANCELLED - Sevilleta LTER and Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge
FT 9
Riparian Restoration Efforts on the Bosque del Apache NWR and along the Rio Grande of Central New Mexico
WK 6
A Brief Introduction to Bayesian and Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling in Ecology
8:00 AM-6:00 PM
FT 6
Ecology in Agriculture of Pueblo and Acequia Communities
8:30 AM-12:00 PM
ESA Governing Board Meeting
8:30 AM-12:30 PM
WK 7
A New Approach to Population Models: Sensitivity Analysis via Matrix Calculus
8:30 AM-4:00 PM
FT 10
SEEDS Education Outreach Initiative - "BioBlitz" at the Albuquerque Bosque Ecosystem
8:30 AM-4:30 PM
WK 8
Innovative Teaching and Assessment: Adapting Resources for Your Classroom
WK 9
CANCELLED - AD Model Builder: A Free Tool for Parameter Estimation of Complex Nonlinear Statistical Models
8:30 AM-8:00 PM
FT 11
Forest Restoration, Fire, and Water: Ecology of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of Santa Fe, New Mexico Rental
9:00 AM-1:00 PM
WK 10
The Self-Identity of Ecological and Social-Ecological Systems: A Tool to Assess Resilience, System Functioning, and Other Sustainability Goals
9:00 AM-3:00 PM
FT 12
Field Trip to Jemez Pueblo to Observe Corn Dances
9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Novel Ecosystems and Climate Change: Developing a Research Agenda (By Invitation Only)
WK 11
A Beginner's Course in Typesetting Scientific Manuscripts with Lateχ
WK 12
INVITED PARTICIPANTS ONLY: Using Diagnostic Question Clusters (DQCs) to Improve Introductory Ecology and Biology Teaching
1:00 PM-2:00 PM
ESA Buell/Braun Judges Meeting
1:00 PM-4:00 PM
WK 13
Mentoring for Success
1:00 PM-5:00 PM
WK 14
Estimating Uncertainty in Ecosystem Budgets
1:00 PM-6:00 PM
WK 15
Are Invasive Species Different?
2:00 PM-5:00 PM
ESA Council Orientation Meeting and Reception
3:00 PM-4:00 PM
ESA Presider/AV Training
5:00 PM-6:30 PM
ESA Opening Plenary 1: Strategies to Sustain Earth's Freshwater Ecosystems
Monday, August 3, 2009
7:00 AM-8:00 AM
SEEDS Breakfast
7:00 AM-9:00 AM
Editorial Board Meeting
EcoEd Digital Library Editorial Committee Business Meeting
8:00 AM-10:00 AM
ESA Plenary 2: Opening Scientific Plenary and Awards Ceremony: Disturbance and Landscape Dynamics in a Changing...
10:15 AM-11:30 AM
SS 1
Improv 101: Get Comfortable with Public Speaking
SS 2
Warfare Ecology: Agenda for an Emerging Sub-Field
SS 3
Resources for Ecology Education: Fair & Share (REEFS)
SS 4
Sense of Place: Honoring the Ecological Knowledge of New Mexico Indigenous Communities
SS 5
What is Sustainability Science and Can It Make Us Sustainable?
SS 6
Surf and Turf: Establishing New Paradigms by Integrating Theory and Forging Partnerships between Marine and Terrestrial Ecology
11:30 AM-1:15 PM
Business Meeting on New Carbon Cycle Science Plan for US Funding Agencies
ESA Awards Committee Meeting
ESA Joint Editorial Board Luncheon (Invitation Only)
ESA Mexico Chapter Business Meeting
ESA Past Presidents' Forum Luncheon
ESA Rocky Mountain Chapter Business Meeting
ESA SEEDS Brown Bag Luncheon
ESA Undergraduate Student Orientation
Researchers at Undergraduate Institutions Business Meeting and Mixer
WK 16
Exploring the Places We Live: Citizen Scientists
11:30 AM-6:30 PM
ESA Opening of Exhibits
11:45 AM-12:15 PM
ESA Presider/AV Training
1:30 PM-5:00 PM
Arid and Semi-Arid Systems
Biodiversity: Landscape Structure and Environmental Gradients
Biogeochemistry: New Paradigms in Biogeochem Cycling
Community Pattern and Dynamics: Metacommunities and Competition
Education: Community- and Technology-Based Education
Functional Ecology and Species-Area Relationships
Invasion: Community Effects
COS 10
Landscape Ecology
COS 11
Marine Systems: Intertidal and Reefs
COS 12
Niche Relationships and Theory
COS 13
COS 14
Predation and Predator-Prey Interactions
COS 15
COS 16
Urban Ecosystems
Ecological Contributions to the International Polar Year (IPY): High Latitude Ecosystem Ecology in an Era of Global Change
Developing Ecological Knowledge for Sustainability Science: Representing Adaptive Behavior in Ecological Management Models
Missing Links in the Root-Soil Organic Matter Continuum
Plant Regulation of Xylem Hydraulic Conductivity at Multiple Scales: Recent Advances, Future Directions and Ecological Implications
Forest Canopy Ecology and the Sustainability of Forest Resources
Climate Change Science in Conservation Planning
Pulse of the Planet: Ecologists' Diagnosis and Treatment Recommendations for Global Sustainability - Public Policy Implications
How Can Soil Microbial Ecology Contribute to the Sustainability of Agricultural Systems?
Evolutionary Ecology of Plant Defense Against Insects: Novel Approaches to Classic Questions
Building Sustainable and Resilient Communities, Locally and Globally
5:00 PM-5:45 PM
ESA Award Recipients' Reception (Invitation Only)
5:00 PM-6:30 PM
PS 1
NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network)
PS 2
PS 3
Climate Change
PS 4
Climate Change: Biogeochem Cycles
PS 5
Climate Change: Communities
PS 6
Climate Change: Plants
PS 7
Ecosystem Function
PS 8
PS 9
Education: Community-Based Learning
PS 10
Education: Pedagogy
PS 11
Education: Research and Assessment
PS 12
Functional Ecology
PS 13
Global Change Biology
PS 14
Microbial Ecology
PS 15
PS 16
Mycorrhizae and Ecosystem Function
PS 17
Mycorrhizae and Plant-Fungal Interactions
PS 18
Riparian and Floodplain Habitats
PS 19
Seed Production, Dispersal, and Predation
PS 20
PS 21
5:00 PM-7:00 PM
Musicians Central
6:30 PM-8:00 PM
Christian Ecologist Social
ESA Aquatic Ecology Section Mixer
ESA Biogeosciences Section Mixer
ESA Buell/Braun Judges Meeting
ESA Student Section Mixer
ESA Theoretical Ecology Section Mixer
ESA Traditional Ecological Knowledge Section Business Meeting
ESA Vegetation Section and IAVS-NA Business Meeting and Mixer
Utah State University Ecologists Mixer
8:00 PM-10:00 PM
SS 7
Opportunities for Funding in Environmental Biology and Related Areas at NSF
SS 8
The American Southwest: Opportunities for Research and Education
SS 9
When Ecosystem Goods and Services Jump and Crash: A Forum on Sustainability and Networking Options
SS 10
Alternative Ecological Restoration Designs for Mined Landscapes: Strategies that Integrate Natural and Social Communities to Remediate Their Ecosystems
SS 11
Informing Policy with Ecological Science
SS 12
Film Screening of "Scarred Lands and Wounded Lives: The Environmental Footprint of War"
WK 17
Google Earth Software: Applications for Ecological Research
WK 18
Careers in Ecology: Advice from Professionals in the Field
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
7:00 AM-8:00 AM
ESA Graduate Students and Post-Doc Roundtable with ESA Leadership
7:00 AM-9:00 AM
Editorial Board Meeting
ESA Meetings Committee Meeting
ESA Professional Certification Board Meeting
SEEDS Advisory Board Meeting
8:00 AM-11:30 AM
COS 17
Behavior: Foraging and Diet
COS 18
Biodiversity: Traits and Interactions
COS 19
Biogeochemistry: Aboveground-Belowground Interactions
COS 20
Chihuahuan Desert
COS 21
Climate Change: Biogeochem Cycles
COS 22
Community Pattern and Dynamics: Spatial Patterns
COS 23
Conservation Ecology
COS 24
Detritus and Decomposition
COS 25
Distributions and Range Limits
COS 26
Evolution: Selection and Adaptation and Phenotypic Plasticity
COS 27
Forest Management
COS 28
Habitat Structure, Fragmentation, and Connectivity I
COS 29
Herbivory: Plant Defenses I
COS 30
Invasion: Dynamics and Population Processes
COS 31
Plant-Insect Interactions
COS 32
Ecological Condition, Ecosystem Services and Human Well Being
Indicators of Regime Shifts in Ecological Systems
OOS 10
Ecological Research on Defense and Other Federal Lands
OOS 11
Physical-Ecological Linkages and Habitat Dynamics in Abandoned River Channels: Implications for River Corridor Management and Conservation
OOS 12
What's New Under the Sun? Photodegradation and Novel Drivers of Decompostion in Dryland Ecosystems
OOS 13
The Public Trust Doctrine: Where Ecology Meets Natural Resources Management
OOS 14
Species Interactions and Communities in the Context of Relatedness (1 of 2)
"Declaring Interdependence": Concerned Ecological Thinkers of the Past
Global Sustainability in the Face of Uncertainty: How to More Effectively Translate Ecological Knowledge to Policy Makers, Managers, and the Public
Mutualistic Networks
8:30 AM-4:00 PM
FT 13
Songs Sustaining Seeds: Santo Domingo Pueblo Harvest Dance
11:30 AM-1:15 PM
ESA Human Ecology Brown Bag Lunch
ESA Long-Term Studies Section Business Meeting
ESA Rapid Response Team Luncheon
ESA Science Committee Business Meeting
ESA Southwest Chapter Brown Bag Lunch
ESA Student Section Business Meeting
Ecosystems Editorial Board Meeting
GLBT Brown Bag Lunch
Phenology Brown Bag Lunch
WK 19
Federal Extramural Funding Opportunities in the Ecological Sciences
WK 20
Models of Effective Research at Undergraduate Institutions
WK 21
Writing a "Teaching Philosophy" Statement: Models and Suggestions
WK 22
Environmental Justice in Ecology Curricula and Community Engagement
WK 23
100 Views of Climate Change: How to Build a Cross-Campus Conversation
12:00 PM-1:00 PM
ESA Paleoecology Section Business Meeting
1:30 PM-5:00 PM
COS 33
Abundance, Rarity, and Population Estimation
COS 34
Agroecology, Agroforestry, and Biofuels I
COS 35
Behavior: Migration and Movement I
COS 36
Biodiversity: Effects of Global Change
COS 37
Biogeochemistry: Atmospheric N Deposition Effects
COS 38
Climate Change: Plants I
COS 39
Community Pattern and Dynamics: Forests
COS 40
Education: Research and Assessment
COS 41
Evolution: Selection and Adaptation - Interactions
COS 42
COS 43
Habitat Structure, Fragmentation, and Connectivity II
COS 44
Herbivory: Plant Defenses II
COS 45
Invasion: Ecosystem Processes
COS 46
Land-Use and Land-Use History
COS 47
Physiology: Plant Respiration and Transpiration I
COS 48
Theoretical Ecology
OOS 15
Special Series on Coupled Biogeochemical Cycles (1 of 3): Response of CBCs to Experimental Manipulations from the Plot- to Whole Ecosystem Scale
OOS 16
Linking data and theory in dendritic ecological networks: From ecological processes to rapid understanding
OOS 17
US National Vegetation Classification as a Tool for Sustainable Environmental Management and Conservation
OOS 18
Sustaining Freshwater Ecosystem Services: Adaptive Ecological and Social Responses to Climatic Changes
OOS 19
Analytical Methods in Phenology: Causes and Consequences of Phenological Variation Across Scales
OOS 20
Species Interactions and Communities in the Context of Relatedness (2 of 2)
OOS 21
Sustainable Cities: The Potential of Urban Regions for Advancing Ecology, Conservation and Education
Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics: Should Ecologists Care?
Human Macroecology: Understanding Human-Environment Interactions Across Scales
From Genes to Watersheds: Developing a Post-Contemporary Agriculture (1888-2058)
2:00 PM-4:00 PM
Letters Editorial Board Meeting
5:00 PM-6:30 PM
PS 22
Aquatic Ecology
PS 23
Biological Control
PS 24
PS 25
Environmental Gradients
PS 26
PS 27
PS 28
PS 29
Invasion: Community Effects
PS 30
Invasion: Dynamics and Population Processes
PS 31
Invasion: Ecosystem Processes
PS 32
Invasion: Invasibility, Stability, and Diversity
PS 33
Invasion: Models
PS 34
Invasion: Prevention and Management
PS 35
Invasion: Species Interactions
PS 36
Plant-Insect Interactions
PS 37
PS 38
Remote Sensing and Image Analysis
PS 39
Rhizophere and Root Function
PS 40
Spatial Analysis and GIS
PS 41
Trophic Dynamics and Interactions
5:00 PM-7:00 PM
Musicians Central
6:30 PM-8:00 PM
ESA Applied Ecology, Rangeland Ecology, Agroecology, and Long-Term Studies Section Mixer
ESA Asian Ecology Section Mixer
ESA Canada Chapter Business Meeting and Mixer
ESA Donor Reception (Invitation Only)
Ecological Applications
Editorial Board Meeting
ESA Education Section Business Meeting
ESA Soil Ecology Section Mixer
ESA Statistical Ecology Section Business Meeting and Mixer
Letters Drinks Reception
Michigan Ecology Mixer hosted by University of Michigan, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and School of Natural Resources and Environment
OTS Tropical Biology Mixer
Oecologia Editorial Board Annual Meeting
USGS Meet and Greet
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies Alumni
8:00 PM-10:00 PM
ESA Eco-Art Student Choice Awards
SS 13
Islands of Sorrow, Islands of Hope: Resilience and Sustainability in Island Social-Ecological Systems
SS 14
Meet the Press: Talking Ecology with the Media
SS 15
Big Models in Ecology: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly Are All Possible Outcomes
SS 16
Application of National Vegetation Classification for Management and Conservation
SS 17
Natural Resources and Climate Change: Effects and Adaptation
WK 24
Los Angeles' Rivers System: Ecological Desert or Vast Research Laboratory?
WK 25
Learn How to Publish in EcoEd DL, ESA's Digital Teaching Library
WK 26
Death Wish or Golden Parachute: A Discussion of Interdisciplinary Research in Ecology and Education and Making it Work for your Dissertation
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
7:00 AM-8:00 AM
ESA Mid-Atlantic Chapter Meeting
7:00 AM-9:00 AM
ESA Development Committee Business Meeting
ESA Meetings Committee Meeting
ESA Publications Committee Meeting
7:00 AM-11:00 AM
FT 14
Exploring the Urban Gradient of Albuquerque
8:00 AM-9:00 AM
ESA Education and Human Resources Committee Business Meeting
8:00 AM-11:30 AM
COS 49
Aquatic Ecology: Lakes and Ponds
COS 50
Behavior: Migration and Movement II
COS 51
Biodiversity: Patterns
COS 52
Biogeochemistry: Biogeo Patterns Along Environmental Gradients I
COS 53
Climate Change: Plants II
COS 54
Community Assembly and Neutral Theory I
COS 55
Competition: Interspecific
COS 56
Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment
COS 57
Evolutionary Ecology
COS 58
Invasion: Invasibility, Stability, and Diversity
COS 59
Modeling: Case Studies
COS 60
Mutualism and Facilitation
COS 61
Physiology: Plant Respiration and Transpiration II
COS 62
Population Biology
COS 63
Population Dynamics: Metapopulations
COS 64
Restoration Ecology I
COS 65
Species Interactions I
OOS 22
Providing Ecological Knowledge to High Schools and Professional Organizations
OOS 23
Your Big Backyard Ecosystem: Lawns and Gardens as Foci for Understanding Urban Ecology and Sustainability
OOS 24
Integrating Science and Policy for Watershed Sustainability: Balancing Hydrological Services, Quality of Life, and Economic Vitality
OOS 25
Ecological Knowledge to Enhance Stewardship and Restoration of Sagebrush Steppe Communities
OOS 26
Special Series on Coupled Biogeochemical Cycles (2 of 3): Interactions Between CBC and Large-Scale Variations in Climate
The Rainforest Within: Biodiversity of the Human Body and its Relationship to Health and Disease
The Interplay of Ecology and Evolution at 'Micro' and 'Macro' Scales: Empirically-Motivated Theory
Managed Relocation (aka Assisted Migration): An Interdisciplinary Evaluation of a Newly Proposed Conservation Strategy
8:00 AM-2:00 PM
ESA Panel on Vegetation Classification
8:30 AM-3:30 PM
FT 15
Sandia Peak Tramway
11:30 AM-12:00 PM
ESA Presider/AV Training
11:30 AM-1:15 PM
ESA Environmental Justice Section Business Meeting
ESA Public Affairs Committee Meeting
ESA Southeastern Chapter Brown Bag Lunch
12:15 PM-1:15 PM
ESA Plenary 3: Recent Advances Lecture: Urban Ecosystem Services: Advances and Uncertainties
1:30 PM-5:00 PM
COS 66
Amphibian Decline and Chytridiomycosis
COS 67
Biogeochemistry: Biogeo Patterns Along Environmental Gradients II
COS 68
Biogeography and Macroecology
COS 69
Community Assembly and Neutral Theory II
COS 70
Ecosystem Stability and Resilience
COS 71
Fire Management
COS 72
Fisheries Management and Models
COS 73
Invasion: Prevention and Management
COS 74
Life History Theory and Evolution
COS 75
Modeling: General Concepts
COS 76
Mycorrhizae and Plant-Fungal Interactions
COS 77
Population Dynamics and Regulation
COS 78
Restoration Ecology II
COS 79
Rhizophere and Root Function
COS 80
Species Interactions II
COS 81
OOS 27
Application of Molecular Knowledge of Microbes to Studies of Ecological Processes: Why the Integration is so Challenging
OOS 28
Projection Matrix Models: Investigating General Patterns in Plant Demography
OOS 29
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function: Current Trends and Future Directions
OOS 30
Forest Sustainability Lessons and Future Directions: Twenty Years of Ecology in the Sierra Nevada
OOS 31
Evolutionary Ecology of Invertebrate Host-Parasite Interactions
OOS 32
Special Series on Coupled Biogeochemical Cycles (3 of 3): CBCs Over Time and Ecosystem Boundaries
OOS 33
Natural History: The Basis for Ecological Understanding and a Global Sustainable Society
What Should Ecology Education Look Like in the Year 2020?
Phenology, the Interdisciplinary Canary: Linkages between Ecology and Sustainable Decision Making in a Dynamic Environment
Sustainable Urban Design: What Do Ecologists Have to Offer?
5:00 PM-6:30 PM
PS 1
NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network)
PS 42
Agricultural Landscapes
PS 43
Arctic, Alpine, and Antarctic systems
PS 44
Biogeochemistry: Atmospheric N Deposition Effects
PS 45
Biogeochemistry: C and N Cycling in Response to Global Change
PS 46
Biogeochemistry: Linking Community Structure and Ecosystem Function
PS 47
Coastal, Estuarine, and Marine Habitats
PS 48
PS 49
PS 50
Evolution: Genetic Isolation and Differentiation
PS 51
Evolution: Selection and Adaptation
PS 52
Forest Habitats: Temperate
PS 53
Forest Habitats: Tropical and Seasonal Tropical
PS 54
PS 55
Herbivory: Plant Defenses
PS 56
PS 57
Population Dynamics and Regulation
PS 58
Predation and Predator-Prey Interactions
PS 59
PS 60
Scaling: Body Size and Allometry
5:00 PM-7:00 PM
Musicians Central
6:30 PM-8:00 PM
Colorado State University Ecologists Mixer
ESA Diversity Mixer
ESA Microbial Ecology Section Business Meeting and Mixer
ESA Physiological Ecology Section Business Meeting and Mixer
ESA Plant Population Biology Section Mixer
ESA South American Chapter Inaugural Business Meeting
Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory Mixer
University of California, Davis Mixer
8:00 PM-10:00 PM
SEEDS Fellowship Meeting
SS 18
Public Participation in Research (i.e., Citizen Science) and Ecological Literacy: Future Directions
SS 19
The Schoolyard Children's Book Series: Ecology Stories for Outreach and Education
SS 20
Photography for Conservation: Exploring How Visual Tools Improve Ecological Research, Literacy, and Sustainability
SS 21
Alternate Ecology: An Exploration of Ecological Counterfactuals
SS 22
Scenario-Based Analysis as a Focus for Sustainable Management of Natural Resources on Federal Lands
WK 27
Special Series on Coupled Biogeochemical Cycles: Panel Discussion and Group Forum
WK 28
Next Steps Toward a Natural History Renaissance
WK 29
CANCELLED - Toward an Integrated Understanding of Ecosystem Processes in Urban Grasslands
Thursday, August 6, 2009
7:00 AM-8:00 AM
ESA Historic Records Business Meeting
8:00 AM-11:30 AM
COS 82
Agroecology, Agroforestry, and Biofuels II
COS 83
Aquatic Ecology: Streams and Rivers
COS 84
Biogeochemistry: C and N Cycling in Response to Global Change I
COS 85
Climate Change: Ranges and Phenology
COS 86
Community Disturbance and Recovery I
COS 87
Conservation Management
COS 88
Disease and Epidemiology: Interactions
COS 89
Dispersal and Colonization: Behavior and Disturbance
COS 90
Education and Traditional Ecological Knowledge
COS 91
COS 92
Food Webs
COS 93
Invasion: Species Interactions I
COS 94
Physiological Ecology
COS 95
Plant-Insect Interactions: Foraging, Diet, and Herbivory
COS 96
Population Dynamics: Modeling
COS 97
Seed Production, Dispersal, and Predation
OOS 34
Disturbance Ecology, Biogeochemistry and Resilience: Three Decades of Inquiry
OOS 35
Roles of Ecological Science in Combating Global Change and Natural Disasters and Working Toward Sustainability of a Global Society: Lessons from China
OOS 36
Lidar Measures of Ecosystem Structure: Implications for Biodiversity and Wildlife Habitat Modeling
OOS 37
Using Citizen Science to Rebuild Ecological Knowledge in Human Communities
OOS 38
Multifunctionality of Biodiversity
OOS 39
Integration of Science with Economic Valuation of Semi-Arid Riparian Ecosystems
The Ecology of Place: Charting a Course for Understanding the Planet
How Does Having a Vector Matter? Perspectives on Vector Biology and Disease Ecology for Prediction and Control of Emerging Infections
Paleoecosystem Ecology: Reconstructing Material and Energy Flows of the Past
9:00 AM-1:00 PM
FT 16
Bosque Ecosystem Monitoring Program (BEMP): Long-Term Monitoring of Riparian Sites Above and Below the Albuquerque Drinking Water Project Diversion Dam and Reconstructed Wetlands at a Post-Burn Site
11:30 AM-1:15 PM
ESA Agroecology Section Business Meeting
ESA Diversity Luncheon
ESA Urban Ecosystems Ecology Brown Bag Lunch
Issues in Ecology Advisory Board Meeting
The EM Buzz: we feed you; you help us move Ecological Monographs into the Twittering Age
WK 30
Preparing Tomorrow’s Ecologists Today: "Reading the Landscape" using the ABCs of Ecology
WK 31
The USA National Phenology Network: A Practical Tool for Research, Management and Education in the Face of Climate Change
1:30 PM-5:00 PM
COS 98
Aquatic-Terrestrial Linkages
COS 99
Behavioral Ecology
COS 100
Biogeochemistry: C and N Cycling in Response to Global Change II
COS 101
Climate Change
COS 102
Community Disturbance and Recovery II
COS 103
Conservation Planning, Policy, and Theory
COS 104
Disease and Epidemiology: Modeling
COS 105
Dispersal and Colonization: Genetics and Invasion
COS 106
Ecosystem Function: Biodiversity
COS 107
Effects of Multiple Global Changes on Communities and Ecosystems
COS 108
Environmental Gradients
COS 109
Forest Habitats: Tropical
COS 110
Invasion: Species Interactions II
COS 111
COS 112
Scaling: Body Size and Allometry
COS 113
Statistics, Sampling, and Methods
OOS 40
Ecological Insights from Long-Term Research Plots in Tropical and Temperate Forests
OOS 41
Global Ecology in the 21st Century: Sustaining an Anthropogenic Biosphere
OOS 42
The Long-Term Response of Ecosystems to Simulated Global Change
OOS 43
Transcending Tradition to Understand and Model Complex Interactions in Ecology
OOS 44
Advances in Biochemical Methods for Studying Organic Matter Dynamics in an Ecological Context
OOS 45
Toward a Sustainable Future for the Middle Rio Grande Ecosystem
Integrating Ecology and Poverty Alleviation
Models and Microbes as Tools for Understanding Diversity
The Environmental Effects of Geoengineering
4:00 PM-5:00 PM
SEEDS Closing
5:00 PM-6:30 PM
PS 61
Arid and Semi-Arid Systems
PS 62
PS 63
Community Disturbance and Recovery
PS 64
Community Pattern and Dynamics
PS 65
Competition: Interspecific
PS 66
Disease and Epidemiology
PS 67
Dispersal and Colonization
PS 68
Distributions and Range Limits
PS 69
Environmental Impact and Risk Assessment
PS 70
Habitat Structure, Fragmentation, and Connectivity
PS 71
PS 72
Physiology: Plant Respiration and Transpiration
PS 73
Restoration Ecology
PS 74
Urban Ecosystems
5:00 PM-7:00 PM
Musicians Central
7:00 PM-9:00 PM
An Evening in Albuquerque
Friday, August 7, 2009
7:00 AM-4:00 PM
FT 17
Valles Caldera National Preserve -- Science-Based Adaptive Management of Public Lands
8:00 AM-11:30 AM
COS 114
Biogeochemistry: Linking Community Structure and Ecosystem Function
COS 115
Climate Change: Communities
COS 116
Community Pattern and Dynamics: Interactions and Invasions
COS 117
Disease and Epidemiology: Spread
COS 118
Ecosystem Function
COS 119
Global Change Biology
COS 120
Invasion: Models
COS 121
Microbial Ecology
COS 122
Mycorrhizae and Ecosystem Function
COS 123
Parasitism and Host-Parasite Interactions
COS 124
COS 125
Riparian and Floodplain Habitats
COS 126
COS 127
Spatial Analysis and GIS
COS 128
Stable Isotope Applications
COS 129
Trophic Dynamics and Interactions
OOS 46
Animal Migration in a Changing Landscape
OOS 47
Bridging the Divide: Integrating Human Ecology and Ecology to Improve Research and Management
OOS 48
Effects of Winter Climate Change and Soil Frost on Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in Terrestrial Ecosystems
OOS 49
Standards, Protocols, and Tools for Sharing Ecological Information: Data Interoperability on a Global Scale
OOS 50
Using Community and Ecosystem Knowledge to Inform Restoration Goals of Seabird-Dominated Ecosystems
OOS 51
Ecological, Social, and Economic Benefits of Agroforestry Systems in Rural Communities
Agroecology for a Sustainable Future: Cross-Disciplinary Research at Multiple Scales
Ecological Knowledge and Campus Sustainability Initiatives
Resilient Adaptation to Global Changes
8:30 AM-10:30 AM
ESA Governing Board Meeting
PS 75
Latebreaking: Agricultural Habitats
PS 76
Latebreaking: Aquatic Ecology
PS 77
Latebreaking: Behavior
PS 78
Latebreaking: Biodiversity
PS 79
Latebreaking: Biogeochemistry
PS 80
Latebreaking: Climate Change
PS 81
Latebreaking: Community Pattern and Dynamics
PS 82
Latebreaking: Conservation
PS 83
Latebreaking: Ecosystem Services Assessment
PS 84
Latebreaking: Education
PS 85
Latebreaking: Fire
PS 86
Latebreaking: Forests
PS 87
Latebreaking: Habitat Structure, Fragmentation, and Connectivity
PS 88
Latebreaking: Invasion
PS 89
Latebreaking: Modeling
PS 90
Latebreaking: Parasitism and Host-Parasite Interactions
PS 91
Latebreaking: Physiology
PS 92
Latebreaking: Population Dynamics
PS 93
Latebreaking: Restoration Ecology
PS 94
Latebreaking: Sustainability
PS 95
Latebreaking: Urban Ecosystems
11:30 AM-1:00 PM
Braun Student Award Committee Meeting
Musicians Central
11:30 AM-1:15 PM
ESA Closing Lunch
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greg westfall